We get it. This is the time of life when relationships take on a completely new meaning.
Friendships grow deeper. Affections grow wilder.
Relationships are going to happen but our goal is RELATIONSHIP without REGRET.
We want our teens to not just fall into them to be know what is HEALTHY and what is UNHEALTHY when it comes to dating.
Here’s some stats to think about:
Violent behavior often begins between 6th and 12th grade. 72% of 13 and 14-year-olds are “dating.” (Hattersley Gray, Robin. “Dating Abuse Statistics.” School Safety. Accessed April 22, 2014.)
33% of adolescents in America are victim to sexual, physical, verbal, or emotional dating abuse. (The NO MORE Project. “Dating Abuse Statistics.” www.loveisrespect.org. Accessed April 22, 2014)
Only 1/3 of the teens who were involved in an abusive relationship confided in someone about the violence. (Hattersley Gray, Robin. “Dating Abuse Statistics.” School Safety. Accessed April 22, 2014)
1 in 3 young people will be in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. (Liz Claiborne Inc and The Family Fund. “Teen Dating Abuse 2009 Key Topline Findings.” http://nomore.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/teen_dating_abuse_2009_key_topline_findings-1.pdf)
The tricky question: What does an unhealthy relationship even look like?
That’s where we come in.